Solve for X - a message to my system dynamics modeling students
Teaching system dynamics modeling at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Policy in Singapore is exciting and challenging. 42 students enrolled in my class - a large number to present a technically complex subject at a graduate level. But the engagement of the students is infectious, and even inspiring.
This morning, I saw a posting on Google’s new Solve for X initiative, something that is definitely worth checking out. The link is:
Here is what I wrote to my students and a few friends.
Dear Class Members,
Probably you are already familiar with this initiative, which crossed my field of vision this afternoon. Think about it. The Limits to Growth and to a lesser degree some other modeling work helped change the way human beings thought about sustainability. But the challenge of achieving sustainability in a world that is humane and resilient is yet to be accomplished. Very likely the breakthroughs will first be achieved in Asia. System dynamics modeling could contribute, as it has in the past. As I read it this is the sort of breakthrough thinking that the Solve for X initiative seeks to catalyze. Check out the initiative's website at:
Any takers...?
Labels: Global Modeling, Singapore Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Solve for X, sustainable infrastructure
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