Thursday, November 04, 2004

Chicken Soup - It was like a miracle

Wow - I was able to post something last night, despite technology problems, the same abbreviated blog about 10 times. Anyhow, here is today's post:

From Wednesday November 3
· In the evening I wrote an elegant blog with my reflections on the election and an appropriate Zen story from a favorite book, Zen Flesh, Zen Bones, but I violated rule 1 of local area network technology (during peak hours, especially) NEVER assume that it will be reliable; always make a copy on a local disc first, of you want to be sure your work will not be lost. This is not to say it is not mostly reliable; it is. But no where near 100 per-cent reliable.
· So I returned to my apartment tired thoroughly discouraged. Kerry had lost, the network connection had frozen as I was attempting to post a great blog and the flu germs, in retreat all day, were making a new assault.
· But when I checked in at the Anderson Front Desk, my evening was transformed. An anonymous student or students had read about my flu attack and had left me a cure. Home-made chicken soup, with rice, and fresh vegetables – carrots and celery, fresh corn bread, fresh rolls, a brownie, even candy snacks. It completely turned my day around – I am SO GRATEFUL!!! THANK YOU!!! This will be another great example that I can use to dispel the negative stereotypes that some individuals, even in the university, have of students.

About the election
· I’m sad that Kerry lost, but, in truth, I could never get very excited about him. My weekly print news source (and an excellent one) The Economist described America’s contest – it is a British publication – as a choice between “the incompetent” (President Bush) and “the incoherent” (Senator Kerry). One of my weekly tennis partners, a leading DC policy analyst said about Senator Kerry “the guy will promise anything he thinks will help get him elected.” Will President Bush work to earn the trust of those who voted for Senator Kerry and will he succeed. We shall see.

Thursday, November 04, 2004
· A gloomy morning. A U s Board of Trustees begins their meeting today and I helped two senior AV staff members set up the room. Too bad we don’t have a nicer day. These men and women play an important role in the governance of AU and are particularly important players in our capital campaign. To see a listing of their names, as well as others who are active in the capital campaign, check out the “A New AU” website,
· The AV department staff are a very capable and largely unheralded group of AU staff members. If you see them in the hall or dropping in to a class to set up or respond to an emergency, why don’t you say “hi” and “thank you”. They work irregular hours and are not always treated with the respect that is due them, especially by faculty members. I’m working on that,


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