Sunday, January 20, 2008

Forgive us, Lord, forgive

This evening I attended an evening worship service in the small community church near my home in the country. It was ‘A Service of Holy Eucharist from the Celtic Tradition.’ I was powerfully impacted by the ‘confession of sin’ which was a major part of the service.

Lord, we heard that you were hungry, and we did not share our food.
Lord, we heard that you were thirsty, and we kept our drink for ourselves.
Lord, we saw you as a stranger and we closed our door and our hearts.
Lord, we say you go naked and we fussed about our clothes.
Lord, we discovered you were sick and we avoided contact with you.
Lord, we heard you were in prison, and we pretended not to know you.
Lord, you made us to live in harmony, with all creation, but we have walked too heavily upon the earth and damaged the natural balance of life.
Lord, we saw your image in the world, yet we have treated our fellow creatures with contempt.
Lord, you would come to us again and again, but we are closed up in ourselves.
Creator of all, Lover of all, you have entrusted the world to our care and we have betrayed you.
Holy Wisdom, you entrusted us with the care of our neighbors and we have betrayed you.
Brooding spirit, you have entrusted your gifts into our keeping and we have betrayed you.

Forgive us, Lord, forgive.

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