I used to find time to post a blog nearly every
day. Committing to a disciplined
daily practice of meditation and of system dynamics modeling has taken its
place. In adopting this regimen I have
been inspired by an acquaintance who has disciplined himself to practice a
demanding athletic endeavour, without fail, three to five hours, at least six
days week. Nothing is allowed to interfear. This reminds me of the “walking
meditation” practice of a Thai Buddhist “forest monk” I have been studying.
In any case I have decided that a daily – or near
daily – tweet is better than nothing.
And today, it occurred to me that a collection of daily tweets, which I
keep on file, could provide a sort of composite blog, which follows.
(11/22) Theoretical
understanding, acquired from learning differs from understanding based on
wisdom as the earth differs from the sky. AM
Tweets marked “AM”
from the biography of Thai forest dwelling Buddhist monk,
Ven. Acariya Mun. By
Acariya Maha Boowa. Forest Dhamma (2010)
Two wolves are at war
for my heart. One loving and
compassionate. The other angry and
resentful. Which wins? The one that I feed.
A Thanksgiving holiday reflection.
Family holiday gatherings, if long enough, provide
opportunities for communicating unshared grievances. Family bonds can be strengthened.
(11/24) The degree of
success we have will depend on the amount of time and effort we put into
practice. No practice - no
results. (AM)
(11/25) Buddha taught that we
should never look down on others, holding them in contempt. One day, our circumstances may be
similar, or worse. (AM)
Kilesas - These mental defilements include include
greed, hatred, delusion, passion, jealousy, envy... banish them! A worthy goal.
Buddha teaches that we
must fix ourselves before seeking to fix others. This may take many lifetimes. The first step: Banishing
(11/26) A pathology of
emails, social media, internet advertising - habituating us to lives that are
entirely reactive. No intrinsic life purposes!
(11/27) A lifelong
challenge: how to balance between helping others and working on oneself to be
able to help others meaningfully
(11/28) To change the
world, I must first change within myself.
That is the essential first step, the essential catalyst to changes
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