Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Gems of Buddhist Wisdom

I have put Gandhi aside, temporarily, and am devoting my early morning time to a publication of Sri Lanka’s Buddhist Missionary Society, Gems of Buddhist Wisdom. I purchased the book at the Missionary Society Kiosk, in Colombo’s International Airport on my last trip to Sri Lanka. Chapter titles in the section ‘Buddhism and Life’ will give you the flavor
¨ Facts of Life
¨ The Meaning of Life
¨ The Purpose of Life
¨ Life is Uncertain, Death is Uncertain

These are useful issues to contemplate, as I struggle to extricate myself from the complexities of the AV Department Budget. As with many of my projects, I am not very good at estimating how long things will take, which can put me on a frustrating and stressful “catching up” treadmill. Gems of Buddhist Wisdom has thoughts to offer on such matters, for example:
What is life so full of care
· We have no time to stand and stare
· No time to stand beneath boughs
· And stare as long as sheep and cows
· No time to see the woods we pass
· Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass
· No time to see, in broad daylight
· Streams full of stars, like skies at night
· No time to wait till her mouth can
· Enrich that smile her eyes began
· A poor life this, if full of care
· We have no time to stand and stare
“Why and earth would you blog?” my sixties and up contemporaries will ask, sometimes derisively.
Perhaps this form of communication can be a means of setting time aside to stay in touch with our own humanity.
·Back to my to do list, the CTE Management Group Agenda and, yes, the AV Department Budget.


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