Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Zen of Laundering and Ironing

A few months ago, I decided to stop taking my trousers and shirts to the cleaners for washing, and ironing. The financial savings are not insignificant; however I have discovered another benefit. Ironing and folding laundry provide an opportunity for Zen like meditation. The focus of a Zen exercise can be almost anything, so why not a perfectly ironed shirt or Khurta and set of chinos.

And besides, later in the morning, I can wear the results of my handiwork.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How father seems to feel the same way about ironing....he does it in front of the TV...he also does yoga at 5AM and he is about 65 years old !!!
He can even do that head stand scissor kick !

8:15 PM  
Blogger dormgrandpop said...

What an interesting man he must be. I do meditation and exercise most mornings (I am 67) and still play a pretty good game of tennis. But no head stands or sissor kicks.

5:48 PM  

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