Sunday, June 03, 2007

An alternative Lord's Prayer from the youth of Leeds Church

Today we celebrated Trinity Sunday at Leeds Church and it was also the Sunday service that was given over to the Church’s youth group. The service’s focus was the youth group’s interpretation of the Trinity, complete with a ghost-like Holy Sprit intervening on earth and a representation of Jesus Christ to liked Arrowsmith.

Here is the alternative Lords Prayer, in common (hip) language that the Leeds youth drafted.

God, you are our Dad in heaven
You are cool and really holy
We want Markham to be like heaven
Everything that happens in Markham to be like you want
We ask that you give us all that we need
Please forget the things that we’ve done wrong
Keep us away from bad stuff
Keep bad stuff away from us
Everything fantastic is yours and from you.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a lutheran pastor in southeren california struggling to use language for our preschoolers they can understand. I stumbled on your hand-crafted prayer and found it a great inspiration for my own which we use for preschool chapel.

Here you are:

Jesus, remember us in your kingdom, and help us to pray:

O God, our father, in heaven,
Your name is holy.
Come make your kingdom here and now
So everything can be the way you would want it,
like it is heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us when we do wrong,
And help us forgive others who do wrong to us.
Help us do good and keep us safe.
Because everything good is yours and from you,
Now and forever, Amen.

6:45 AM  

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