Pursuing Happiness
Pursuing Happiness
Here is a link to a wonderful audiofile on the topic, “Pursuing Happiness” from a live event at Emory University. The event was moderated by Krista Tippett, creater of the program, Speaking of Faith (recently renamed “Being”). I often listen to podcasts of her interviews as some may know. The podcasts were a particularly meaningful link to home during my nearly seven month sojourn in Singapore.
Participants in the conversation were the Dalai Lama, Rabbi Johnathan Sacks (the Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom), the Rev. Katherine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop of the US Episcopal Church and Islamic Scholar Professor Seyyed Hossein Nasir from George Washington University. I found the comments by Rabbi Sacks, who is an international leader in interfaith dialogue, particularly memorable and evocative.
Labels: happiness, Speaking of Faith