following passage is from my current early-morning read, Arthur Zajonc (2008) Meditation
as Contemplative Inquiry, When Knowing Becomes Love. When I read the passage, I thought of a
few luminous conversations I have had with students, especially during the
latter part of my decade-long residency in American University’s Anderson
Hall. It is a goal to which it is
worth aspiring, even if only fully realized on rare and because of that,
memorable, occasions. The passage
from Zajonc’s book follows:
meetings with others can be a repeated occasion for the cultivation of
meditative attention. If we are
sufficiently practiced in cultivating the meditative state of mind, then taking
a few breaths, settling into ourselves and attending gently, openly and
completely to the other is usually sufficient for a recognizable inner shift to
take place. We drop the combative
stance, we live into the thoughts of the other, and so are practicing a form of
self attention. We need not
correct what may be mistakes of fact or differences of opinion. In this moment, we are positive and
open to each other. What we
achieved in our preliminary solitary exercises becomes of practical use in
relationships. In my experience,
the visual background surrounding my conversation fades and the face and voice
of the partner are all that remains.
The exchange can even take a joyful sacramental character as a mutual
recognition of the divine within each other suddenly arises.
Labels: American University Anderson Hall, loving relationships, meditation, meditative attention
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